With the wide range of areas HAVEN has worked in the Lash Industry, there is surely a place we can find the relief you need to hitting your next goal...

How I can help you


We all know how asking business advice from someone who doesn't own a business is usually more frustrating than anything, so why would you go anywhere but to another Lash Artist for support and help. 1 on 1, or mini courses we have an option to help you out.



Money Mindset

Charge your worth and then add tax! There's no subject we love more than that of helping other Lash Artists to fully see their worth financially and to help hold our Industry standard high. How else would we expect this topic to go when we're basically surgeons of the eyes!


Whether you're being asked to shadow your work by clients, you're wanting to keep the love of hands on learning active in your area, or you're wanting to cut down your hours lashing and replace the income with educating, HAVEN has the course you NEED to create your IDEAL Signature Program and Educate like a Pro right from the beginning.



First we must find what sets us apart

The only way to stand out from the rest and truly be successful is to know exactly where we are headed, what makes you unique and why should someone chose you for their needs?

Ever notice how there is always someone who isn't skilled to the level you are, hasn't taken things as seriously as you, they have half the education and experience you do, yet they are fully booked. They never seem to have a problem finding business while you're sitting there scratching your head going WTF am I doing wrong??

Well, you just aren't letting people know why you are worth all that you are. You suck at yelling from the rooftops that you are the gal to book with, learn from, or purchase from. You are the gal who is going to work your ass off to give them all the value they're paying for and then some, so now we just have to get you believing that yourself so you can be hitting those goals instead of wondering when you might. That is the behind the scenes vibes of all things business here over at HAVEN. Most of us are people pleasers which make us really good at making our customers happy, but attracting the customers we want and love ONLY iss the power you have to learn to really set yourself apart from the rest, and that is exactly what we do here.

One on One Coaching

If you are being held back by a specific item or decisions needing to be made, one on one help could be your solution.

Having a Biz Bestie is literally the best way to describe business coaching with Marley. Whether you have one specific item up for discussion and its a simple one time meet, or you're needing help to organize the steps to creating a roadmap for your next goal, and then being held accountable with ongoing support on a monthly basis, I have exactly what you need.

Behind The Scenes Development

Not every Course includes what happens beyond the art of physically applying Lash Extensions..

And that is the area where most Lash Artists fall behind and struggle with staying on top of their business growth. Boundaries with clients, is this my fault or the clients, customizing my sets?? There are so many topics that come up in discussion that have so much more to do than Lashes specifically so that is why I have brought what I train all my students locally to you on a global scale.

Educating Like A Pro

We all can teach with incredible Passion when we truly love what we do...

But do you know how to advertise and deliver in a way that you now are the "Go-to" Educator in your area with a Wait List? Just like every Tech has something that makes them unique, we all will educate in a way that best suits our direction, beliefs and values for our businesses. So how would having this all laid out in front of you, with the confidence of knowing you have every area covered and ready to charge it's worth right from that first course feel? Pretty damn good I tell ya, and we know that for a fact thanks to our students results.


Remember when you used to be tested on how many words per minute you could type..

Yeah, I had no idea I would be coming back to those moments in my head when I added "Lash Boss" to my resume. Whether you're just starting, or you're now moving into educating, there is a lot more paperwork needed than we thought, and it can take up a fair amount of time. We all know now too that time is money, so that is why I've made templates of ALL the forms I use or have used in my business and have them available for you to purchase!

You will always attract what you believe you're worth.



Need more information? Contact us to find out how we can work together.

© Copyright 2022 HAVEN BEAUTIES.